
How did The Company Increase Followers?

An international technology B2B company that has a long-term partnership with JINGdigital has dramatically changed the way people live and work in their daily lives. With the help of JINGdigital, this company was able to master end-user data, making follower portraits more accurate and detailed. Within 8 months of this partnership, the end-user information entry rate reached 70%.


You may encounter these challenges:

  • It is difficult to balance the development and maintenance of the channel, which can result in a sudden drop in sales or a situation in which competitors win the client;
  • The manual ordering process is very lengthy. Therefore, an online platform is needed for long-term cooperation channels to self-service orders;
  • The company headquarters cannot control the channel and terminal customer information operated by the distributor.


After partnering with JINGdigital, these problems were resolved.

By exploring new channels, we enhanced customer loyalty with stores and distributors, while enabling company headquarters to acquire more comprehensive channel and terminal customer information. The sales leads of the client increased by 40%, and its end-user information entry rate reaches 70% within 8 months of the project’s launch.



How did they do it?

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